Predictive Analytics in Software Testing

Salient Takeaways from this Webinar:
• Finding right testers and aligning them to the project
• Current testing issues leading to unknown future challenges
• Different Stake-holders expecting different reports
• Adherence to deliverables on schedule
• Communication and Coordination

Many companies today face sudden increase in costs, production delays and operational risks. Broadly, there are two types of companies — one which performs testing using their in-house testing environment and the other is a software development company simply outsourcing its entire testing activities to preferred vendors. However, there are many hidden challenges that are frequently faced by both these companies.

• A software development and testing company is focused on timely launch of the product
• A software development company that outsources testing expects on-time delivery

Predictive Analytics is a data driven technology which can be leveraged to predict failure points in testing activities to determine the future. Speaker, Pavan Kumar will speak on how Predictive Analytics could help businesses in identifying the issues at the earliest to make proactive decisions.