Best Practices to Achieve Better Results in Functional Testing

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Best Practices to Achieve Better Results in Functional Testing

The rapid growth in digital innovation and the technological shift towards digital transformation has raised the value of Software Testing. Functional Testing insinuates to the testing of a software or product against its functionalities or features and business goals such as improved user experience and delivering more customer satisfaction. Every digitized organization is in the[...] Read More

Comprehensive Functional Automation Testing Tool

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Comprehensive Functional Automation Testing Tool

ClicTest is comprehensive functional Testing tool enables to perform Manual and Automation testing within the same tool and facilities extensive features of test management which helps in managing the multiple projects & releases and gives a holistic view for all the projects. ClicTest helps in optimizing the testing efforts by improving the productivity not only[…] Read More

Automation Testing for Faster Time to Market

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Automation Testing for Faster Time to Market

Because of the increased digital dependency, businesses need to ensure they are equipped with the best quality software products and maintain a faster time to market. This is because of the increased competition that businesses face in this digital world. Customers want amicable digital customer experience and at the same time they need to be[...] Read More

The Journey of Exploratory Testing Towards Quality in Agile

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The Journey of Exploratory Testing Towards Quality in Agile

Your readiness to grab the opportunities that evolve with a change is vital to be a winner in this digitally driven world. Digital transformation has demanded processes, environment and ideas to evolve constantly and organizations have adopted agile methodologies to develop a software to meet the ever-evolving needs of digital transformation. Agile methodologies bring an[...] Read More

Tips on How to Get Most Out of Automation Testing?

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Tips on How to Get Most Out of Automation Testing?

In this digital world, businesses are facing a pressure of delivering products and services ahead of competitors with competitive edge. Software that support these products and services should be continuously enhanced with new features and continuously become better by fixing bugs. Agile and DevOps have accelerated the pace of developing and delivering software, but software[...] Read More

Test Automation Continues to be a dominant trend in the Software Testing industry 2018

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Test Automation Continues to be a dominant trend in the Software Testing industry 2018

The past year 2017 was an exciting year for Software Testing industry, it has seen trends that are hyped around AI and test automation. Artificial intelligence has long way to go in Software Testing, though it has started its disruption. Whereas, test automation has become integral part in the software testing, and a lot of[...] Read More

Empowering Domain Experts with Automation Testing Capabilities

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Empowering Domain Experts with Automation Testing Capabilities

Every minute change in technology is making the businesses to reform their strategies and techniques which they have been using for revenue generation and customer retention. No business, in today’s world, can survive without adopting technology. Banking industry is also among those businesses which have to meet the present-day challenges to bring themselves more customers[...] Read More

Choosing the Right Tool to get the best out of your Test Automation Practice

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Choosing the Right Tool to get the best out of your Test Automation Practice

In this era of technical advancement, automation is everywhere – redefining and transforming how jobs are done and this disruption has already passed onto Software Testing. Because of their stringent business goals, organizations are now in a race to achieve faster time to market and reduce the time spent on testing an application before its[...] Read More