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Automation Testing Challenges for Manual Testers

As the popularity of Automation Testing is increasing by the day, so are more software companies look forward to adapt it. Manual Test engineers spend a lot of energy to find maximum number of defects before the product releases, but the defects still appear. If automation testing is rightly implemented, increased efficiency, effectiveness and coverage of software testing can be achieved.


Companies that have been performing manual testing using a large workforce of manual test engineers are showing a great interest in automation testing as it provides many advantages majorly in terms of time, effort and quality. However, many companies are not able to adopt it because of many constraints like not able to identify a right automated software testing tool, and not having huge budgets.

If testing is not performed properly, it can lead to an inadequate product quality, and increase in the overall testing costs. Automation has the ability to mitigate slow, repetitive, and error-prone testing activities and allows testers to focus on those areas where defects can be identified more. Many companies want to use their long time manual testers to implement automation testing.

The reason is that companies might have come to know that their testers have gained vast knowledge about applications and their features or components. They might have realized this knowledge is highly important for testing more quickly. Moreover, less budget might be one of the reasons that the companies cannot pay high compensation to automation testers. It also might be difficult for the companies following manual testing practices for a long time to quickly adopt and implement automation testing practices. More importantly, companies cannot provide sufficient time for their manual testers to acquire required knowledge because of tight delivery deadlines and the major challenge to perform automation testing is to have a right tool, and to effectively use it along with right resources.

Some of the Challenges for Manual Testers to do Test Automation are they need to spend a lot of in learning programming languages. Automation is like development, so tools might require customization.

Some of the advantages which automation testing provides are reduced time and effort, execution of scripts at any time, being ideal for large and complicated projects, being reliable, providing consistency, improving test coverage, improving application quality, and accelerating time to market. With a large number of automated software testing solutions available in the market, it is imperative for the companies to identify a right tool which can be easily used by subject matter experts, Business Analysts, and manual test engineers with minimal or no technical training.