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Know the Importance of Testing in Software Development Life Cycle

Software testing is an integral part of software quality and it is the most important activity for supporting entire Software Development Life Cycle (SDLC). SDLC is a process for developing an application with proper research, planning, execution and maintenance. In every development firm, Quality Assurance (QA) plays a crucial role in the various stages of SDLC. QA is performed to evaluate the quality-related aspects of an application and to verify its behavior in different configurations of the systems.

Realizing the advantages of testing can help development firms to focus more on day-to-day activities rather than the errors in an application. In today’s massive competition for quality products, it has become very necessary for development firms to do extraordinary QA than mediocre testing. However, the QA methodologies implemented by the firms are different from that of one company to the other.

Almost all the QA service providers begin testing early in SDLC to mitigate irremediable complexity that pops out if it is performed at final stage. If QA is introduced at every stage of SDLC, it enables a firm to validate every single module of an application for precision. This method helps to identify critical defects in an application in the initial stage itself. An application has to be developed/programmed in such a way that it can seamlessly perform in any situation. To make it run, a rigorous testing of an application at every phase in SDLC helps in producing a high quality software. If the quality of an application is extremely high, it can perform well in any situation.Keeping it short, implementing QA activities at regular intervals in SDLC helps to enhance functionality, reliability, performance and other important quality attributes of an application. The end-users or the customers always like to use a high quality software and they don’t like to get annoyed by using an inadequate software which can lead to reasonable loss in terms of cost, time and effort of a firm. More importantly, firms that are reliant on web applications do not want to face the nerve-wracking problems like application down time, application not working, not meeting the needs, causing negative impact to the customers, having serious bugs or having other problems.QA service providing firms should keep one thing in mind while considering QA and that is that the testing should be performed not only to find bugs in an application but also to do evaluation of an application’s competence for the purpose it has been made for.

Testing should be thoroughly planned and conducted throughout the SDLC for best results which ultimately help in keeping the cost of bug fixing very low. But if QA is not deployed during SDLC and introduced it at the end of SDLC stages, the cost of bug fixing would be very high and sometimes it can be irremediable. Software testing not just plays a significant role in SDLC for meeting the standards of an application but it also reflects in building up the reputation of an organization.

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