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Empowering Domain Experts with Automation Testing Capabilities


Every minute change in technology is making the businesses to reform their strategies and techniques which they have been using for revenue generation and customer retention. No business, in today’s world, can survive without adopting technology. Banking industry is also among those businesses which have to meet the present-day challenges to bring themselves more customers and revenue. As a result, the banking industry is also walking hand in hand with technology to keep the pace with the advancements.

The internet expansion and technological innovations are at boom. So, we can say that the renaissance era of banking is here now. With the rise of digitalization, cloud and mobile adoption have been increased which have empowered the banks to reach their customers and serve them at any point of time. Information technology has now become the base of the banking sector. The rise of mobile apps and cloud based applications have made it necessary for the banking sector to rely on IT.

The need of automation testing

It is the impact of digitalization that the banking sector has advanced by leaps and bounds; and has helped its customers to perform the transactions without standing in long queues. With the banking applications, if one way it is giving ease to customers to make transactions, the other way it is posing pressure to the banks to enhance their efficiency and flexibility.

A banking application needs a thorough functional testing to ensure that the customer does not face any difficulty while using the banking application. A banking application will have a lot of complex functionalities and workflows which need to be tested. Testing such workflow and functionality is only possible for a domain expert to understand. Let us take an example of testing home loan transactions for a certain period of time involves a lot of transactions and calculations which only a domain expertise can understand. Performing the testing manually will be too tedious and will consume a lot of time and effort of a domain expert. Therefore, automated functional testing could be implemented to serve the purpose for the repetitive tasks for being faster and more accurate.

Test automation is a different expertise whereas subject matter is a different expertise

The skillsets of test automation engineer and domain expert are different. If we analyze the skillset of automation engineer, it is in accelerating software testing for enabling faster time to market approach with effectiveness in software. Whereas, domain expert capabilities surround their core expertise and knowledge around the application under test for the highest quality.

Having the domain knowledge, a subject matter expert knows more about a banking application than a test automation expert. A domain expert holds the grip over the in-depth knowledge of the necessary individual elements of the application under test. The domain expert identifies the ways indifferent to the automation test engineer to stress the application for its high quality. However, the test automation engineer holds the expertise in just writing the scripts for those test scenarios which are identified by domain expert to be automated.

However, if we see both work in silos, which makes it difficult to test a banking application. Being a domain expert, SME will work as end user but automation testers work as developer as they need to write code to automate test cases. So, at the end, both want to work in different way, which will create disturbance in the team.

ClicAutomate – a test automation enabler for Subject Matter Experts

With the shrinkage of release cycles to deliver the product at the earliest in the market, the test automation is the most relied upon strategy by the organizations. Deploying test automation is easy for the test engineers as they have knowledge on how to write scripts; but the dependency here is on subject matter expertise to identify the scenarios which need thorough testing for better quality of the software. So, it becomes lengthy process. To enable a domain expert to do automation testing without having the need to write script, ClicAutomate, a Scriptless Automation Testing Tool could work as a boon.

With the advantage of ClicAutomate, it becomes simpler for the domain experts to automate the testing just with the input of their expertise and experience. Going Scriptless empowers the subject matter experts to generate scripts using actions and objects. Looking for and hiring the resources who can build script tests can be very expensive for the companies. So, this money can be saved by going Scriptless where only the knowledge of the domain experts is demanded.

Apart from being cost saving and not tool dependent for coding or scripting, ClicAutomate could be deployed anytime and anywhere for being cloud based automation testing tool. It offers compatibility with all operating systems, platforms and browsers. ClicAutomate is favorable to the businesses which not only reduces the cost of testing but also improves the quality of the software right from the beginning of the development lifecycle.

Let us give you an overview on How ClicAutomate is unique.

  • Cloud based automation testing tool, so it is available as Pay-you-go model
  • ClicAutomate works seamless across all operating systems – Windows, Linux, and also Mac.
  • With automated bug posting, you could save a lot of time on posting each bug after running a suite that has large number of test cases.
  • ClicAutomate enables to schedule Test Execution and after execution Test Results will be forwarded as email to configured email ids.
  • Another key feature of ClicAutomate is, it provides screenshots for every single step for both passed and failed test cases with annotations.
  • ClicAutomate enables to shuffle test steps when there is a need to change the sequence test steps to be executed
  • ClicAutomate offers the test case version enables to track the changes has been made to a test case, and test case version comparison to compare any two versions of a test case for better insights on the change.