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Version Control and Version Comparison for better Insights on changes to your Test Cases

There comes a necessity of maintaining versions for a test case when it undergoes changes because of different software releases. For example, you have a test case which has been changed for a new release of a software; the same test case was changed earlier for the previous release to fix the defect posted in the software. How these changes of a test case can be handled for all the releases of a same software?

Version Control and Version Comparison for better Insights on changes to your Test Cases

“Maintaining versions of a test case with an effective version control mechanism is the only way to handle all the changes that a test case undergoes for all releases of a software. “

What will happen if there isn’t any versioning mechanism?         

If you have worked in an agile environment,  you might know that each release would entail a newly added functionality or either a defect fix to existing functionality or a change in functionality.

This triggers a modification to an existing test case and if all these modifications aren’t maintained as versions, then there might arise possibility where tester may get confused to pick up the latest one for execution.

There is another reason for the need of version control; in a new release, a test case has to be updated because of the aforementioned factors. When you edit a test case, the previous version will not continue to exist and you cannot revert to that version if there is a need.

How ClicTest helps beyond just maintaining versions of a test case?

Though organizations adopt a version control tool or test management tools to version test cases, there are certain drawbacks associated with it. So, there is a need beyond just maintaining versions of a test case for more insights.

Our comprehensive testing solution, ClicTest, has an effective version control mechanism to version both manual test cases and automation test cases. Alongside, it can give you comparison of versions of a test case; thus, you will have better insights on the changes of a test case across the versions.

“Not just test cases are versioned, ClicTest enables you to version a test suite by adding required test case versions for the execution. Version control mechanism even at the test suite level provides the leverage to maintain different versions of test suites to be executed for different software releases.”

ClicTest version control mechanism with version comparison empowers you to ensure –

  • Required version of a test case or test suite are picked up as per the release notes.
  • The reason to edit a test case with version history, where comments are also provided.
  • There are no manual efforts involved to track the changes of a test case.